
Service begins at 8:30 AM each Sunday at The Ambrose School Great Hall

Welcome and Announcements

Call to Worship

We go into God's presence in response to His summons.

Invocation and Praise

We praise God and ask Him to receive our worship

  • Prayer
  • Sing (Psalm or Hymn)

Confession and Pardon

We confess our sins and receive God's forgiveness

  • Sing (Psalm or Hymn)
  • Exhortation Confession of Sin [kneeling, if able]
  • Assurance of Pardon
  • Sing (Psalm or Hymn)


God speaks to us through His Word, and we speak to Him in prayer.

  • Old Testament Reading
  • New Testament Reading
  • Sing (Psalm or Hymn)
  • Prayer for Christ's Kingdom and the Local Body
  • Sing (Psalm or Hymn)
  • Sermon

Response to God's Mercies

  • Confession of Faith
  • Tithes and Offerings
  • Sing "The Doxology" [hands raised]

The Lord's Supper

  • Prayer
  • Sing "Word and Water, Bread and Wine" or "How Sweet and Awesome is the Place"
  • Words of Institution
  • Eating of the Bread
  • Drinking of the Wine



  • Sing "Psalm 98" (first verse) [hands raised]