Welcome and Announcements
Call to Worship
We go into God's presence in response to His summons.
Invocation and Praise
We praise God and ask Him to receive our worship
- Prayer
- Sing (Psalm or Hymn)
Confession and Pardon
We confess our sins and receive God's forgiveness
- Sing (Psalm or Hymn)
- Exhortation Confession of Sin [kneeling, if able]
- Assurance of Pardon
- Sing (Psalm or Hymn)
God speaks to us through His Word, and we speak to Him in prayer.
- Old Testament Reading
- New Testament Reading
- Sing (Psalm or Hymn)
- Prayer for Christ's Kingdom and the Local Body
- Sing (Psalm or Hymn)
- Sermon
Response to God's Mercies
- Confession of Faith
- Tithes and Offerings
- Sing "The Doxology" [hands raised]
The Lord's Supper
- Prayer
- Sing "Word and Water, Bread and Wine" or "How Sweet and Awesome is the Place"
- Words of Institution
- Eating of the Bread
- Drinking of the Wine
- Sing "Psalm 98" (first verse) [hands raised]